My kids have been back in school for a month. I don't have enough space on my h-drive (that is what my kids call it) to download the photos on my camera. Not that I would have taken the time to wax poetic about them anyway. As I was leaving my daughters class after volunteering this week her teacher asked me what I did with all my free time since all my kids are in school. I just chuckled and said "what free time?" I recently read, and re-read the text of a talk by Julie Beck (General President of the
Relief Society) from Women's Conference. She talks about the role of mothers in the home and how they can spiritually lead their families. She said a lot of great things in her
address, but I keep thinking about her comment regarding shift work "I have learned that a good woman with the help of the Lord can usually work two to two and a half shifts. However, no one can work all three shifts." So here I am in the middle of the third shift and wondering who I can pawn off the rest of my shift to so I can just go to bed. Perhaps I will leave the dishes for my first shift tomorrow morning.
thats so funny because i've always categorized my day into 3 chunks of time-morning, afternoon, and bedtime. On bad days the dinner dishes have to wait till morning-but thats o.k. I don't think the extra time soaking in water doesn't hurt a thing. I usually am not a happy camper for the 3rd shift if I don't get a nap. thank goodness for siesta's!
I am hoping that you might post some photos of the new kitchen...dying to see it!
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